Testimony of Salvation, healing and deliverance today

We were at the train station buying a ticket to Ukraine from Poland this morning. In front of us was a man buying a ticket to Ukraine too. All his…

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House Ministry

We had the opportunity to minister in a home Bible study night and share some testimonies, while we were fed. They group of Polish and Ukrainian, were hungry for more…


It Is Time

There are seasons that we have in life, some are long, and some are short. When we came to Warsaw, Poland, we had a short season to prepare for a…


Going to Krakow, Poland

After 1 week in Warsaw we are ready to begin the next leg of our journey. We have been putting on miles each day prayer walking and preparing ourselves for…

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Read more about the article Warsaw 7 days of prayer
Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw 7 days of prayer

We committed 7 days of Prayer/word/fasting to begin our journey. What a better place then the capital of Poland to begin this journey. We rented a room on the 6th…


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