We were at the train station buying a ticket to Ukraine from Poland this morning. In front of us was a man buying a ticket to Ukraine too. All his military gear was laying on the ground so I knew he was a soldier going into Ukraine to serve from another country. We struck up a conversation and he told us how 2 months ago a grenade exploded near him and he was blown 20 feet into the air. He had hearing problems and was hospitalized outside the country to heal and is now returning to once again volunteer for Ukraine. Wow!
I have great respect for this guy. If you look at him he, some would reject him because he is tattooed all over, but man this guy has a heart of gold. The outward appearance is not what we should judge and I loved speaking with him. We had a great conversation about how God is protecting Ukraine and it is clear a little country is winning against a great world power. I shared with him the Kim Clement prophecy over Ukraine and how God was going to drive out Russia (2014 Prophecy). I asked if I can tell him about salvation and he said yes, so I explained how God sent his Son Jesus to die for him and if he confesses the Lord Jesus and believes in his heart that God raised him from the dead, then he shall be saved.
This man gave his life to Jesus standing in the train station and then we prayed for his protection, for anxiety and PTSD to leave (he said he struggled with this) and for his hearing to be restored. When we were done he said how he felt lighter and would now pray to Jesus every day. His hearing was light now and before it was muffled. God saved this man, delivered him and healed him in a 3 minute prayer in a train station. God is alive and active if you have faith in Him.
This was a sign, to us, of what is to come in Ukraine as we were buying tickets. We say more Lord, more!
Here is the prophecy that is actually happening now and Russia is being driven out and king Putin is being dethroned