Mission in Poland
Poland has seen a massive influx of Ukrainian refugees since March 6, 2022. Millions of Ukrainian refugees are now in Poland. The churches are working hard and becoming overwhelmed with the many ongoing needs of the refugees. The Ministry of Reconciliation is supporting the churches in their outreach which includes a vital feeding ministry and the distribution of Bibles as we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Testimony of Salvation, healing and deliverance today
We were at the train station buying a ticket to Ukraine from Poland this morning. In front of us was a man …
Prayer Walking Krakow, Poland
I said to John several nights ago, “I feel like I am supposed to walk and pray in the park surrounding the …
House Ministry
We had the opportunity to minister in a home Bible study night and share some testimonies, while we were fed. They group …
Mission Overview
We will arrive in Warsaw, Poland on August 16, 2022. We will spend eight days in Warsaw before transitioning to Krakow, Poland where we will spend three weeks working with the churches to meet the needs of Ukrainian refugees. Please pray for us as we serve the churches in their outreach by feeding, sharing the love of Jesus and ministering hope through the Word and any other way the churches request. The churches are working very hard during this time and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Any support earmarked for Ukrainian refugees in Poland will go directly to that outreach. Please follow our blog above for updates on the trip.
There are many hurting and displaced Ukrainian people in Poland. War has taken a toll on them and they need Jesus and His love. We have a heart to share the love of Jesus with Ukrainian refugees and the Polish people. We will share the love of God with them and demonstrate His love to them. We are going to help the churches feed refugees in need, give them Bibles and minister to their brokenness and hurt. Many of the refugees are women and children who have lost or been separated from their loved ones who are fighting in the war. Only the women and children are allowed to leave Ukraine. We are raising funds to give as much as we can to help those in need. The needs are great and the resources are limited. However, with your help, we will be able to give not only of ourselves but of resources to bring immediate help and change to their lives. Will you give today to help those in need? We go to minister God’s love and do not receive any salary from donations to the Ministry of Reconciliation (MOR). We freely give of ourselves to help others who need Jesus.
Gallery will be update soon