It Is Time

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There are seasons that we have in life, some are long, and some are short. When we came to Warsaw, Poland, we had a short season to prepare for a longer season that is to come. The preparation has been going on for months, but there is a time when you land in a country that you will need to adjust and tune in. It is a little hard to explain, but I just know the longer you are in a country or an area, the more you will begin to see a move of God as the spiritual forces begin to weaken around you. Yesterday, we boarded a train to take us to Krakow, Poland. When we arrived we walked miles around the city, praying, looking, observing, discerning. We each bought a small fan since the place we are staying is not air conditioned. I felt like the Lord said to me, “Vince I am your greatest fan”, and love just poured into me again. Filled with His love I responded, “God I love you so much”! God’s love is so needed in all of our lives and I have just come to the point in my life where I refuse to live without it. So I just receive it happily, and be loved, by Him, everywhere I go.

Last night as I was going to bed, ministry began to family and close friends. One person had fallen and hurt their back a couple days ago and they were having stabbing pain. I called and asked if I could pray for them, and they allowed. They believe in healing, but have never experienced it so quickly. First prayer all the stabbing pain left, but they still had some pain. So I got behind what God is doing and prayed again. Each prayer was showing improvement, until the fourth and final prayer, when it was all gone. She was so happy, Jesus touched her and healed here, by His stripes we were healed. 1 Peter 2:24. I have witnessed people being healed so many times, but to witness their joy, the power of Jesus, His love in action, never gets old for me. God is good! Also, last night, I had to break off a spiritual attack from some others last night. The forces coming against them were moved by the power of the name of Jesus through faith in His name. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for all you are!