Mission in Kenya
In 2021, an opportunity became available for Vince to minister in Kenya for six months. This life enriching experience enabled him to spiritually grow and go deeper in his walk with Jesus. He saw many salvations, healings, deliverances and grew in faith as He witnessed the power of the Lord manifest over and over again. Revival is stirring in Kenya! We are excited to continue ministering with many pastors in Kenya to spread the Gospel and bring a spiritual revival to these precious people.

Kenya Mission House is getting completed
Even while we are here in Poland, the house in Bumala, Kenya is still being worked on. When I was in Kenya …
3 weeks in Nairobi, Kenya
This December 15th we will minister from Nairobi and preach in Churches, crusades, prisons and homes. We will be going to Kibera …
6 Months In Kenya, a Lifetime of Opportunities!
My last trip to Kenya from June 23rd, 2021 to Dec. 10th, 2021 produced relationships, salvations, healings and deliverances. This was the …
Church Building
During his stay in Kenya, the Lord directed him to share the needs of the church with others and the finances poured in to complete the main Church sanctuary, Children’s Church, Office and Music equipment. The hearts of people all over the world were stirred to give and the Lord provided for the the needs of this area. The structure was started under the vision of Pastor Christopher Ofunza. Pastor Christopher is a Godly man who has seen God move in many powerful ways. Many have been set free from demonic spirits, sickness and death through his ministry in Bumala Kenya.
Vince lived with Pastor Christopher and his family as they partnered together to preach the gospel of Jesus. The friendship they share will last a lifetime. Vince will be traveling back to this area and other parts of Kenya as his ministry with Pastor Christopher continues. Great things are happening in Bumala, Kenya and beyond. Praise the Lord!

Future Mission Teams are Being Sent
When Vince was in Kenya the Lord gave him a dream. In the dream, ministry teams were being sent to Kenya and were being used to bring revival into the area while they were also being discipled. The revealed vision was that recent Bible College graduates spend 3 months in training in Kenya before embarking into their full time ministry. Other volunteer groups were coming as mission teams for shorter periods of time. These volunteers were coming to grow in the Lord and seed this area with revival.
When Vince returned home from Kenya he received two checks in the mail: One check to build the structure to house the volunteers during their stay and a second check to Bible students to come to Kenya to be trained. With this funding we have built the structure you can see below as the vision has been realized.. The structure is still being built and we just need a few more thousand dollars to complete the project. Our hope is to complete the work by December 31st, 2022.
Next summer our first Bible college graduate will travel to Bumala to live there for 3 months while being trained for full time ministry after finish ing his second year of Bible College. If you would like to give financially to support the program that sends Bible college graduates to Kenya for three months training, we would like to hear from you. They will be training under the leadership of Pastor Christopher and learn to minister in the real world. The donations we receive make all these things possible.
We are also sending our first team in January as a team of 8 to 12 who will come to do crusades, minister in homes, preach in churches, cast out devils, lay hands on the sick and lead many to salvation. We are very excited to see this vision grow and come to life.
The home is going to have 6 bedrooms with each having a shower and toilet. Each room will sleep 2 people and we will be able to house ministry teams of 12. A living room will provide a place to meet and worship God in all His splendor! If you are interested in bringing teams to work with Pastor Christopher in Bumala, Kenya we ask you to reach out to us. This will be primarily for teams that want to preach, minister in homes, evangelize, lay hands on the sick, cast out demons, destroy witchcraft and see the lost saved. If this is your heart for yourself or your church, then I ask you to reach out to me so we can talk. God bless you!