Inner Healing

Inner healing is needed in the church and in many Christians. People are hurt, broken, defeated and crying out for help. What if inner healing could be quick and easy with lasting effects because Jesus truly healed the wound? I have seen hundreds of people healed as I ministered to them in this way. Will you be someone that is willing to step out by faith and be trained to minister to others so they can be healed?

Inner Healing Offered Most Every Tuesday

We are pleased to offer inner healing ministry via Zoom every Tuesday at 7 PM EST.  Anyone that is desiring inner healing or wants to learn how to minister inner healing is welcome to attend.  We have a Christ centered inner healing ministry and we believe Jesus is the healer.   Over the years we have seen hundreds healed this ministry and you are welcome to be the next one.  

All zoom sessions are free of charge because freely we receive and freely we give. 

*However Donations are accepted and appreciated.  

Just click on the link below to sign into Zoom and join the session.  It is that easy and new people are joining so you will not be alone.  

Join us via Zoom

Live at 7pm EST on every Tuesday
Meeting ID: 841 6921 5938
Passcode: 916212

Training Christians To Become Inner Healing Ministers

After a number of years of ministering to others up to 60 hours a week, it became very evident there is a tremendous need for the healing of hurting and broken souls.  I have seen people being healed in radical ways that only Jesus can do.  Their lives are changed as they gain new freedom in Christ.  Seeing these miraculous changes in peoples lives convinced me of the effectiveness of inner healing. 

Early last year I felt strongly impressed by the Lord to include inner healing as an integral part of the Ministry of Reconciliation (MOR).  Our vision is to raise up inner healing ministers throughout the world.  The Gospel is a free gift from God and we believe inner healing is part of that precious gift.  Freely we have received, freely give!

We have a heart to see people healed emotionally, spiritually and physically.  Psalms 23:3 says He restores my soul.  Another reference for inner healing,  Isaiah 61:1-3, speaks of the anointed ministry of binding the broken hearted, proclaiming liberty to the captives and opening of the prison doors to them that are bound.  We believe inner healing and deliverance will play a major part in the coming revival.  We feel that this great revival is going to bring inner healing and deliverance and Jesus wants His people healed.  It is Jesus that sets a person free from years of pain and hurts that keep them from living a life of an overcomer.  Holy Spirit continues to teach us more about inner healing as we see many people set free from their emotional pain and trauma.   In many cases this can be done in a short ministry session.   Through experience God has given us a Christ centered model we have found to be effective, gentle and non manipulative and the healing is done through Jesus.  He is the healer, He is the deliverer, He is the lover of our souls, so we let Him do the work and people are saved, healed and delivered through Jesus. The soul is like a mirror and when the mirror is dropped it fractures into parts/pieces.  In Psalm 23:3 it says He restores my soul.  That is because Jesus came to restore the fractured soul to wholeness.  This method is not the only way to restore the soul or bring inner healing but it is the most effective I have seen to date that can be used by anyone.  I have worked with hundreds of hurting people and have seen them healed in a positive and powerful way.  Healing depends on the person and their willingness to be healed.  People who are willing to trust God for healing are forever changed after an encounter with Jesus!   Watch the videos above with an open heart and then use it so that Jesus can heal your soul, too.  We also have many hours of free teaching that are currently being uploaded to YouTube.  

Ministers Needed

The Ministry of Reconciliation is currently seeking those who are interested in becoming an inner healing minister and willing to go through training.

We are looking for people that want to receive personal inner healing and then learn to minister inner healing to others.  This ministry can be done online, with their church or with their family and friends.  All who feel led by Holy Spirit will be requested to take time to watch the inner healing training we provide before you minister to others.  You will receive inner healing from Jesus while you are also being trained and we will patiently work with you while you are learning to minister to others.  We have a team of trainers that are ready and equipped to help you in a breakout room on Zoom.  It will be a safe place to learn, make mistakes and grow.  

Every Thursday evening we have a Zoom meeting, where only persons interested in becoming inner healing ministers, receive both personal inner healing and training as an inner healing minister at the same time.

Will you be the one to say, "Use me, God?"   If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land, Isaiah 1:19.

Will You be Trained to Help Others?

Would you be willing to volunteer to minister inner healing to others so they can be healed also?  You can minister from the comfort of your own home (ex:  One time a week, one time every 2 weeks, one time every month)? 

If the answer is yes, then we want to train you.  Please watch the inner healing training video which will be uploaded to YouTube shortly.  I will post here when upload.  We invite you to contact us so we can get you on the email list to be trained on Thursday nights.  

Dean Morrow

Dean Morrow served four years in the US Army National Guard. He was a self-employed contractor for eight years doing refrigeration and electrical work then he went on to the electrical union and served for 25 years before retiring. In his retirement he went on to serve the Lord full-time.

He is presently on the board of Vince Sellers, Ministry of Reconciliation Ministry. Dean has completed three years at Global school of supernatural ministry in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania PA. Majoring in leadership development as he has been trained in post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, physical healing, inner healing, and soul wounds healing, as well as deliverance. He’s traveled throughout the United States speaking at different churches under his internship as well as traveling abroad to Africa and Brazil for ministry. He is currently involved in Street ministry at his local church and does Christian ministry.

Dean’s been married for 39 years to his wife Barbara. They have two children, and two grandsons. He has served the Lord for over 50 years.

Harold Baird


Worked for Ontario Power Generation – Mechanical Maintenance 

High School – Arnprior District HS

Studied at Global School of Supernatural Ministry

Lives in Arnprior, Ontario, Canada About Harold Grew up on a dairy farm. I have a older brother and sister. I excepted the Lord into my heart at 40 in 2000. In 2015 I had a encounter, Baptized by the Holy Spirit. I was hungry for God to touch me and at a Global event, during impartation after changing my prayers “Lord I want you but you have to get our family”. After speaking them out loud including daughter-in-law and grandson. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit the split second I got my grandsons last name out. God revealed His heart for family to me. All our family has now excepted the Lord. I am a bless man. Glory to God!


Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I think the deliverance has worked now!!  I don’t know if it takes a while to fully kick in, but I’m feeling so much better.  I can’t thank you enough for the help.   All the prayers and help basically saved my life!  Kylan K