Will you partner with us to share Jesus with the World!

Our heart is focused on Jesus, and the people He loves. Costs remain incredibly low, no salaries are paid, and nearly 100% of your offering goes directly to the ministry work.

We humbly need people willing to support this ministry work on a recurring monthly basis in order to stabilize the ministry as we launch into the next phase of the vision the Lord has given us. Any amount, as a one time donation or given monthly on a recurring basis, would be very much appreciated.

Thousands are being saved, healed and delivered, pastors are being raised up, churches are being established and disciples raised. We are multiplying every year and we need your support in order to continue this most important end times work into the USA, Kenya and Ukraine.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

The Directors, which includes Founder and Executive Director Vince Sellers and the Board members, volunteer their time to the Ministry of Reconciliation and do not receive any salary from your donations.

Ministry of Reconciliation Int'l is 100% donation supported and a registered 508 c(1)a, tax deductible, non-profit ministry, registered in Pennsylvania, USA

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+1 (717) 949-7941

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Ministry of Reconciliation Int'l

20 Katie Lane, Jonestown,
PA 17038