About us
A word came to Vince Sellers in October 2017 that changed his life. At that time he was struggling with all types of depression, anxiety, fear, and lies about God rejecting him.
The word was this: "If you take your need out of others to love you and put that need into God, you will find Him and He will change your life and use you in a powerful way!"
Vince got down on his knees, and said, "God, if this is true, then I put my need into you." In that moment the presence of God came upon him and he has never been the same. God's love changed him forever!

Matthew 10:7-8
And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give.
Our Beliefs
We believe Jesus is alive and moving in power today. We believe in the fullness of Holy Spirit here and now. God is still healing, saving and delivering today. We believe if you preach the Word that signs will follow according to Mark 16:17-20. We believe in Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Executive Director
Vince Sellers was impacted radically through multiple powerful encounters with the love of God. His heart is to share this revelation of God's love with the whole world. When we really know how much God loves us, the lies of our past are shattered and the Truth sets us free. God took a broken man, transformed him and gave him a vision to see others set free by this same perfect love that casts out all fear.
The anointing he carries is a breaker anointing (the anointing breaks the yoke) and when he preaches and ministers to others, the love of God breaks through and transforms lives through the power of Jesus Christ. People are set free from hurts, pains, and lies so their hearts are stirred to the Fathers heart of love toward them. Hearts are restored to the Father through the Word, healing and deliverance. Praise God for His love and His grace!